About me

My name is Anita Tsai, and I'm dedicated to crafting exceptional digital products that foster meaningful connections and enrich users' lives.

My journey began in product management for a consumer-facing app, where I discovered my innate ability to understand user needs and translate them into innovative solutions. I transitioned to working as a product designer and researcher, with a focus on using user-centered design methods to solve complex problems.

This realization inspired me to pursue a Master's degree in Information Science (HCI) at the University of Texas at Austin, where I immersed myself in learning the latest trends, connecting with like-minded individuals, and contributing to the UX community.

Throughout my career, I've led the launch of products across iOS, Android, web, and desktop platforms, ensuring seamless experiences with responsive design. Whether working with startups, NGOs, or tech companies, I've demonstrated my ability to navigate complex landscapes and deliver successful outcomes.

Beyond my professional pursuits, I find joy in capturing moments through film photography, perfecting the art of pour-over coffee, engaging in badminton matches, immersing myself in concerts, and cooking Taiwanese dishes.

Contact me 📩: hsiangan.tsai@gmail.com

Left to right: (1) Participating in an exchange program at Korea University, (2) Directing the largest design hackathon at UT for UXPA, (3) Engaging in public speaking on reflective design for social media, (4) Showcasing a film photography project, (5) Managing the STEM Muse (UT mentorship program) annual event, and (6) Collaborating on an Arduino and Processing project to present physical information
• My DESIGN values

I have a deep love for learning, which is the driving force that keeps me alive! Whether exploring emerging technology trends or analyzing user behaviors, this passion motivates me to enhance both my personal growth and professional work while embracing challenges along the way.

collaboration is king

My diverse collaborations taught me that success hinges on active listening, clear communication, and goal alignment. Effective collaboration with clients, stakeholders, and cross-functional teams is essential for impactful work.

ethical design

A designer's role is to envision a better future. Design, being influential, guides how people engage with the digital world. It is crucial to conscientiously create solutions that avoid harm and contribute effectiveness and satisfaction to our lives.

• Let’s create something amazing together